Client conversations with Merina Burda: From Burnout to Empowerment

Merina contacted me in search of a coach for a career change. She was burnt out, feeling lost, and completely overwhelmed.

Our first few conversations were directed toward finding her new career path, but it wasn’t long before I saw that she actually loved what she was doing, she just needed a new way of working. That was the new goal.

Define how your career can make you feel empowered instead of burnt out.

Being an entrepreneur comes with a lot of added obstacles and challenges but it can also come with just as many benefits that can help you to achieve the work life balance you’ve been dreaming of but never thought could be a reality.

This is exactly where Merina and I met. She was a creative entrepreneur that was paying the bills but was living out someone else’s dream, not her own. Over the next 3 months we worked on defining her dream work day, ideal clients, and how to move her out of a scarcity mindset. Then it was time to put that into practice and that’s where the real work came into play.

Mindset shifts don’t happen overnight and we worked extensively to match her business to her goals and help her find confidence in herself. But once those things came together, everything changed in the best possible way.

For the first time ever, she was doing exactly what she loved and was getting paid her worth. With the days of over serving and undervaluing behind her, she was finally able to step into a feeling of security and start to move away from a scarcity mindset.

But best of all, she found her people.

These are people who see your value and know your worth.

They are your champions.

They are your clients.

They are the people you look forward to meeting with and can’t wait to help them work toward their own goals.

For Merina, she found like-minded clients who also wanted to help others make a difference in the world, even if it’s starting with just one person. These change makers are equally empathetic, caring, and love a casual catch-up as much as a data deep-dive.

Finding your people in business is the best thing you can do and it really does change everything.

But we can’t find our people or change our mindset if we’re stuck working in a way that doesn’t serve us.

This is your sign to break free and trust the process.

Merina Burda is the Founder of Burda Consulting. She is a Creative Consultant who specializes in aligning brand goals and appearance. A trained graphic and web designer, she leads with empathy and data-driven strategy. Contact and learn more about Merina here.

Jaime Gennaro is a business coach and consultant. Book a call with her to find out if coaching is what you need to get you unstuck and moving forward in your career or business.


Jaime’s Summer Reading List


Mastering Sales: Insights from Luke Taylor