Find Purpose and Impact in Your Career with Raphan Kebe
In this week’s episode of Business for Humans, we bring back Jaime’s interview with the inspiring Raphan Kebe, owner of Space and Flow, from the archive. Rapha is a business owner, coach, mentor, teacher, poet and hypnotherapist in training. Jaime met Raphan Kebe years ago at a yoga retreat in Valmy, France. His style as a teacher was different. He played Bob Marley and Ben Harper. At times it felt more like a dance class than a yoga class. Raphan was down to earth and inclusive, his yoga felt available for everyone, at any level. Led to yoga from a back injury, he followed this path out of necessity, having to close down his dreams of being a touring musician.
Sometimes things that feel like obstacles become opportunities.
If you can keep your head above water, you can see the lessons in the obstacles. Things to practice. For me these things are often: patience, taking time to rest and recuperate, forgiveness, hope, leaning on friends and taking time to be alone.
When you work for yourself, resting can be hard. There’s this imaginary boss whispering in your ear that you’ll fail if you ask to reschedule a session, or if you push back a workshop. But that whispering is just an old story trying to resurface. Old stories about usually tied to the need to prove something or feeling unworthy.
If you are facing obstacles, don’t listen to those old stories. Take one step at a time and congratulate yourself for each step. Every step is a hurdle and the fact that you continued to go forward should be celebrated. You are growing and learning and healing with each step, and you aren’t alone.
What kind of opportunities might open up if you don’t resist and just keep pushing through the roadblocks? What if you take a breath and a step back to see what you really need?
Jaime Gennaro is a certified business coach with decades of experience working with and growing start-ups. She’s always been committed to finding creative ways to make money, either by starting businesses or landing interesting roles that helped her pursue her passions. Book a consult call to learn more about her coaching programs here.
We start our 6-week Leadership Coach Certification Program on April 3rd. Limited number of spots available. Learn more.